Aim: Major construction and investment security is important if order to be done successfully. The aim of this article is to describe and analyses security relations of these kind of projects. Analyzing several part of security they affect the result of construction activities, risk assessment and risk mitigation, and of course to protect stake holders interests are the main directions of security activity. Secured environment also a base of achieve the expected results and activity of loss protection. Transparency, finalized workflows and tactics also can guarantee of a stable background during planning, implementation and later on final operation.
Methodology: The author carried out qualitative research, using secondary data, and conducted a document analysis in order to provide a comprehensive picture of the security-related connections of major industrial investments. Empirical experience also helped the work, as the author himself participated in the management of a priority industrial investment project as a security manager.
Findings: The success of priority industrial investments is significantly influenced by its level of security. Effective security activities require the active cooperation of several organizations. Transparency, meticulous security processes and methods are a kind of guarantee for ensuring a stable framework in the phases of planning, implementation and then operation.
Value: Emphasizing the security risks arising during the preparation of industrial investments, involving interested organizations in the security activity, a kind of preventive security activity in order to prevent the loss of property and help the success of the project.
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