The police uniform as a symbol
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complete uniform
dress code
the history of law enforcement

How to Cite

The police uniform as a symbol. (2022). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 70(3. ksz.), 43-58.


Aim: As a professional member of the police force and a lover of attire, the author set out to gather all the knowledge about the appearance of the professional staff into a bouquet.
Methodology: The publication was prepared by processing legislation, internal regulations, archival materials and interviews.
Findings: Also with the appearance of the policeman raises the social esteem of the corps, instills respect and trust, „the uniform obliges.”
Value: The elements of the history of the uniform available to the author are described in detail in the publication. Historians and researchers led the writer of the article to the roots of the history of the uniform, in order to understand the traditions, concepts and peculiarities of that era. The complete uniform is the professional Police staff attire of the, with standardised form and colour, defined by the minister in charge of the Police. Its aim is to enable people to distinguish between the various uniformed organisations and the police forces of the different countries and to make it easy to recognise Police staff. A police officer should, by his appearance, increase social esteem for the organisation and arouse respect and trust. As a professional Police officer
and an enthusiast of clothes, I undertook to gather all the knowledge related to the appearance of the professional staff, supplemented by certain stages of the last century which I considered significant.

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