Thoughts about the book “From Military Science to Law Enforcement Science - Social Challenges in the Year of the National Cohesion”
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military science
military history
law enforcement science
law enforcement history

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Thoughts about the book “From Military Science to Law Enforcement Science - Social Challenges in the Year of the National Cohesion”. (2021). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 69(3. ksz.), 141-146.


The year 2020 was unconventional for the practitioners of the law enforcement sciences too. This was especially evident regarding the so-called Pécs-workshop, which had to give up the organization of an international conference traditionally conducted in honour of St. László’s feast for the first time since 2001. However, the scientific values of the advertised forum entitled ‘From Military Science to Law Enforcement Science – Social Challenges in The Year of the National Cohesion’ have not been lost, as the twenty-second volume of the Pécs Border Guard Scientific Bulletin could be published as part of the event of the Feast of the Hungarian Science. This is how the volume - including 38 studies on nearly 350 pages – was born, which also has provided – commemorating the historical memorial days of 2020 (‘Trianon 100’, ‘Zrínyi 400’) - law enforcement responses to current social challenges.

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