Challenges of cybercrime investigations
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cyber-dependent crime
information systems

How to Cite

Challenges of cybercrime investigations. (2022). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 70(1), 47-57.


One of the current challenges law enforcement agencies are facing, is ensuring the effective and proactive fight against cybercrime. This category of crime is characterized by its latent nature and detection difficulties that can significantly slow down the prosecution process or even make it impossible for the law enforcement agencies to conduct successful investigations. With the growing of the number of the active internet-users, new interfaces and services are emerging in the online space, which also creates opportunities for the rise of new types of crime. In general, cybersecurity threats are on the rise. The anonymity provided by cyberspace acts as an incentive for offenders, as they are much less likely to be caught as if they were committing a contactbased crime, and the damage caused is much greater if we are speaking about cybercrime affecting assets. Detection difficulties do not depend on the complexity/seriousness of the cybercrime. Simple cyber-enabled crime is just as difficult to uncover as sophisticated cyber-attacks. The main difficulties are related to the use of online identity masking services, technical innovation and gaps in international cooperation among authorities. Possible solutions can offer the use of direct international cooperation, in particular 24/7 (always available) contact networks, the active use of opensource investigations and online profiling, and the regular training of law enforcement personnel. If the specific issue at stake is beyond the knowledge of the intelligence services’ staff, it may be appropriate to involve specialized advisers or experts with specific expertise.

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