Author's declaration

Author’s Declaration

By accepting the Author's Declaration, the Author is obliged to provide the article submitted for publication to the Ministry of Interior as publisher (hereinafter referred to as the "Publisher") and agrees that the Publisher may publish the above-mentioned article in the academic journal Belügyi Szemle/Academic Journal of Internal Affairs. The Author acknowledges and agrees to be bound by the fact that the copyright and publication rights in the article submitted for publication shall vest in the Publisher upon first publication under the terms and conditions set forth in the Author's Declaration.

  • The preparation of the article and the granting of publishing and usage rights in the article to the Publisher in accordance with this statement is free of charge to the author;
  • The author shall have no claim against the Publisher for any monetary remuneration or reimbursement of expenses;
  • The publication of the article by the Publisher with attribution of authorship (the provision of the opportunity to publish) is considered by the author to be fair and adequate consideration for the granting of the rights of use.

First Publication of the Article, Right of Use by the Publisher

The right of first publication of the article is reserved exclusively to the Publisher. The author agrees that the Publisher will publish the article in such a way that the rights of use of the article by any third party after first publication are governed by the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0, license terms. The Publisher may make the article freely available and downloadable from the Belügyi Szemle Open Journal Systems scientific and peer-reviewed journal management and editing software application (hereafter referred to as the OJS) without time limitation. The Publisher may convert the article into any electronic format and copy the article to an electronic storage medium by computer. The Publisher may publish the article in the academic journal Belügyi Szemle/Academic Journal of Internal Affairs and publish it on the official website of the journal at The Publisher may share the rights to publish and use the article with any third party, exercise these rights jointly with any third party, or translate the article into another language.

The Publisher may take action on behalf of the author in the event of infringement, misappropriation, or violation of intellectual property rights in relation to the article. The Publisher may exercise all the rights granted to third parties under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license terms indicated above.

Warranties and Other Obligations of the Author

The author declares and warrants that –  together with the co-authors –, they are the sole author of the article, and that they have the consent of all co-authors to the publication of the article in this form, that the article is their own original intellectual creation, and that they have not assigned the first publication right of the article, in whole or in part, to any third party prior to submission for publication. On this basis, the author has every right to authorise the Publisher to publish the article for the first time and to exercise the rights of use of the article as set out in this statement.

The author warrants that there is no plagiarism in the article, that the contents are accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge, that the article contains no libel, obscenity, or any other violation of the copyright, privacy, or any other right of any third party, or any other violation of law, and that the manuscript is not under consideration for publication in any other journal, in Hungarian or any other language, in whole or in part.

The author acknowledges and agrees that if they intend to publish in their article any material the rights of use of which are held by another rights holder, publisher, or author, it is the sole responsibility of the author to obtain from such rights holders the appropriate permissions (as set out in the previous paragraph) for publication and use before submitting their manuscript to the Publisher or the Editorial Board.

Other Provisions

The rights and obligations of the author and the Publisher shall be governed by the laws in force in Hungary, in particular Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright.

Date of publication of the copyright notice: 1 August 2024.