Author's guide

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
• The submission represents an original work that has not been published elsewhere nor submitted to another journal for publication;
• The submission meets word length requirements for the manuscript type, which is all-inclusive of article text, references, tables, and figures;
• The submission cites current theoretical and empirically-based literature, including relevant articles published in Belügyi Szemle/Academic Journal of Internal Affairs (AJIA)
• The submission reports sample size, population, confidence interval, and effect size, if applicable;
• The submission includes four keywords;
• The submission includes a name (highlighting the corresponding author), e-mail address, institutional or organisational affiliation, doctoral title*, rank*, ORCID, MTMT, SCOPUS* identifier of each author in the format specified in the Author Guidelines;
• The submission includes an Abstract that clearly articulates why the manuscript marks a new and demonstratively significant advancement in research and aligns with key elements of journal's Aim, Methodology, Finding and Value.
• Tables, figures, pictures and diagrams in the submitted manuscript include titles and sources;
• The submission adheres to APA 7 stylistic and bibliographic requirements;
AI Tools Usage and Author Responsibility: "I have disclosed any use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the manuscript's Materials and Methods section and acknowledge full responsibility for the content's integrity and compliance with ethical standards, as per COPE guidelines and the Belügyi Szemle/Academic Journal of Internal Affairs (AJIA)."

Further rules and requirements

According to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and endorsed by Belügyi Szemle/Academic Journal of Internal Affairs (AJIA), authors are permitted to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT, in the preparation of manuscripts. However, it is mandatory to disclose the use of such tools. AI tools cannot be listed as authors, nor can they manage legal and ethical responsibilities, including conflicts of interest and copyright. In the acknowledgment section, authors must explicitly state the use of AI tools, including the nature and extent of their use, in the Materials and Methods section or a similar part of the paper. The responsibility for the integrity and ethical compliance of the manuscript, including content produced with AI assistance, rests entirely with the authors.
Submissions should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th Edition, including title page (without author names), abstract, keywords, in-text citations, pagination, headings, tables, figures, and reference list. Article text, references, tables, and figures are included in the word count.
Authors are encouraged to carefully review the journal's Aims & Scope and submit work that marks a new and demonstratively significant advancement to the field. Authors are encouraged to review the criteria used to evaluate manuscripts in our double-anonymous peer-review process.
The journal screens papers for unoriginal material. By submitting your paper you are agreeing to originality checks during the peer-review and production processes. The Editorial Board uses the Crossref Similarity Check (iThenticate) system for cross-reference similarity checking.
The Editorial Board's priority is to accept revised manuscripts for publication within 60 days of the first submission and to publish them within 90 days at the latest. Some manuscripts may have a different time map by which to provide the author with high-quality, thoughtful, constructive reviews. In all cases, we strive to publish quality publications.


Agree to the journal's copyright license.

Authors submitting papers to the journal accept the following conditions

By accepting the Author's Declaration, the Author is obliged to provide the article submitted for publication to the Ministry of Interior as publisher (hereinafter referred to as the "Publisher") and agrees that the Publisher may publish the above-mentioned article in the academic journal Belügyi Szemle/Academic Journal of Internal Affairs. The Author acknowledges and agrees to be bound by the fact that the copyright and publication rights in the article submitted for publication shall vest in the Publisher upon first publication under the terms and conditions set forth in the Author's Declaration.

The Author agrees that the Publisher will publish the article in such a way that the rights of use of the article by any third party after first publication are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license terms. The Publisher will make the published article freely available and downloadable in the Open Journal Systems software application for managing and editing scientific and peer-reviewed journals (hereinafter referred to as OJS system) without time limitation. The Publisher will not use the published article for commercial or business purposes, either individually or in a manner that is exclusive to the journal as a whole. The Publisher may convert the published article into any electronic format and may copy the article to an electronic storage medium by computer. The Publisher may share the rights of publication and use of the published article with any third party or exercise these rights jointly with any third party, or translate the article into another language. It may take action on behalf of the Author in the event of infringement, misappropriation or infringement of intellectual property rights in relation to the article. It may exercise all rights granted to third parties under the "CC BY-NC-ND 4.0" licence terms indicated above.

Upload Submission

To ensure an anonymous review, every effort should be made to prevent the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other.
- Authors must check that the metadata in the text and in the file properties to identify the author has been removed from the Microsoft Office documents, the authors have removed their names from the text.

Manuscript (without Author Details)

Upload a manuscript without author details as one document (.doc, .docx), that includes a title page (without author names), abstract, main article text and reference list. Documents must be 1.05 spaces, 2 cm margins and use 11-point Times New Roman font. Remove author(s) names, affiliation, country, and bio information, as well as all identifying information from the Microsoft Office document. Figures and tables in submitted manuscripts should also follow the recommendations of the APA international referencing system for tables and figures. All reproduced images (including tables) should be accompanied by an APA Style copyright permission statement and have a reference list entry.
Authors should follow APA 7 guidelines in the select selection of quotation content in length in qualitative research articles. Footnotes, endnotes, and appendices are not allowed.

Data content of the affiliation of the author(s)

Author affiliations should be uploaded in a separate document containing all relevant information. The document should include the full name of all authors, doctoral degree and/or doctoral title, rank, institutional affiliation (up to two levels), email address, ORC ID in the full http link version, MTMT ID pointing to the author's data page, SCOPUS ID. Please indicate the corresponding author in all cases.
Please follow the example format below: LAST AND FIRST NAME, PhD, title, rank, institution, E-mail:, ORCID: https, MTMT: https, SCOPUS ID.
Title and Abstract: Enter a title and 100-150 word abstract. For the abstract, use the following four-part structure: Aim, Methodology, Findings, Value. In the abstract, pay attention to the scientific approach, especially in Findings.
Keywords. Provide four keywords for the submission.
Funding data.
The author(s) should provide precise information on any financial support received for research, authorship and/or publication of the article. Add funder name and identification and grant numbers, if applicable.


Click the “Finish Submission” button. Authors will receive an email confirmation with a Submission Acknowledgement message and link to track the submission during the review process.

Manuscript Types

Research Articles (Hungarian and English)

Research Articles (20.000-40.000 characters with spaces) submissions use quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods research to make a new and demonstratively significant advancement in under-researched aspects of the field related to topics outlined in the journal's Aims and Scope.

Book review (Hungarian and English)

The aim of the book review is that the author presents the book in a way that gives the reader a full picture of the work without holding it in their hands. It is an objective presentation without personal opinion.
This should include:
identification data (bibliographic data), units of content, structure (e.g.: following the table of contents), a summary and comprehensive description of its contents, reflections on the author's style,
a few words about the translation if relevant, information on the book's appearance (fonts, illustrations, typesetting, etc.), target audience.

Copyright Notice

All published articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Unported License.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

More detailed information can be found on the Privacy Notice page.