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A Belügyi Szemle/Academic Journal of Internal Affairs (AJIA) is an open access publication indepently published since 1953. As an open access journal, AJIA is freely available online immediately upon publication. All articles are accessible without cost to scholars and universities worldwide. No library fees. No paywal to download articles of choice. No download limits, free to read for all forever.

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The journal is published under the Creative Commons License, which allows non-commercial reproduction of articles with appropriate citations. Authors may, with the permission of the Publisher, publish the publication in a non-commercial open access institutional database or other non-commercial open access publication site.

The Author, by accepting the Author's Declaration, undertakes to provide the article submitted for publication to the Ministry of the Interior as the publisher (hereinafter referred to as the "Publisher") and agrees that the Publisher may publish the above-mentioned article in the academic journal Belügyi Szemle/Academic Journal of Internal Affairs.  The Author acknowledges that the rights of publication and use of the article submitted for publication are vested in the Publisher upon first publication under the terms and conditions set forth in the Author's Statement.

The Author agrees that the Publisher will publish the article in such a way that the rights of use of the article by any third party after first publication are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license terms. The Publisher will make the published article freely available and downloadable in the Open Journal Systems software application for managing and editing scientific and peer-reviewed journals (hereinafter referred to as OJS system) without time limitation. The Publisher will not use the published article for commercial or business purposes, either individually or in a manner that is exclusive to the journal as a whole. The Publisher may convert the published article into any electronic format and may copy the article to an electronic storage medium by computer. The Publisher may share the rights of publication and use of the published article with any third party or exercise these rights jointly with any third party, or translate the article into another language. It may take action on behalf of the Author in the event of infringement, misappropriation or infringement of intellectual property rights in relation to the article. It may exercise all rights granted to third parties under the "CC BY-NC-ND 4.0" licence terms indicated above.