Aim: The purpose of this study is to explore and analyse the connections between corruption and money laundering. Sharing the results can contribute to effective action against the investigated phenomena.
Methodology: The authors used Transparency International's corruption perception index and the anti-money laundering component of the Organized Crime index from public Internet databases. They were examined using statistical methods (descriptive statistics, ANOVA, correlation and linear regression) in a sample of 175 countries of the world.
Findings: Increasing the effectiveness of the fight against money laundering generally reduces the perceived level of corruption. There is a well-explained, significant positive correlation between the two indicators. The perceived level of corruption is also influenced by other factors of organized crime with different effects from continent to continent.
Value: The value of the research is given by the up-to-date nature of the data. The most important of its limitations is that the organized crime index has only been available since 2021. Another possible research direction is the examination of country groups according to national income, as well as the performance of time series analyses in parallel with the increase in the number of reports.
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