Measures against prejudice at the Hungarian Police – theoretical research on police culture and cop culture


police training and education
police culture
cop culture

How to Cite

Measures against prejudice at the Hungarian Police – theoretical research on police culture and cop culture. (2021). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 69(4. ksz.), 21-30.


The author would like to present the measures taken by the Hungarian Police against prejudice in the context of this article. For the analysis, she has chosen the police and cop culture approach. Her aim is to present the organisational framework and the human being itself separately. In the author’s opinion, training and education fall between the two cultures. The author proposes further research and education on cop culture, and suggests the introduction of intercultural education to prevent prejudicial behaviour and improve cooperation. The author considers that, by teaching both subjects, police officers will have a better understanding of both prejudices and the dangers of the police profession.



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