180 years of Hungarian police science
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law enforcement
law enforcement science
law enforcement theory

How to Cite

180 years of Hungarian police science. (2024). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 72(5), 791-803. https://doi.org/10.38146/BSZ-AJIA.2024.v72.i5.pp791-803


Aim: The purpose of this study is to present the most important international and domestic events in the history of policing, which were decisive in the formation and development of domestic policing.

Methodology: The present study was prepared by processing the content of hundreds of publications of domestic and international law enforcement literature, analyzing their ideas, placing them in chronological order, and comparing domestic and international events.

Findings: It has now become apparent that policing has clearly become a knowledge-based activity throughout its history, which is now taught within BA, MA and doctoral schools.

Value: The study provides assistance in that policing researchers, educators and those engaged in policing activities can draw on the literature of domestic or international policing to mature their decisions and for their daily work.

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