Extracts on current issues of security at sports events
PDF (Hungarian)


sport event, sports policing, football hooliganism, Taylor report

How to Cite

Extracts on current issues of security at sports events. (2024). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 72(12), 2197-2218. https://doi.org/10.38146/bsz-ajia.2024.v72.i12.pp2197-2218


Aim: The author undertook to present the specific factors on the basis of which it can be concluded that football events in the world are less safe than in Hungary.

Methodology: The paper is based on legislation, internal regulations, archival material and publications on sports law, sports law and professional material.

Findings: Until 11 September 2001, there was an uninterrupted process of humanization of the law, and then the dehumanization began, which unfortunately also had a major impact on the security of sporting events.

Value: The study collects legal cases in a bouquet, the detailed analysis of which is essential for the development of sports policing, which is complemented by sports law aspects and the exploration of history.

PDF (Hungarian)


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