Overview of problem of terrorism’s conceptualization in academical research
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academical research

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Overview of problem of terrorism’s conceptualization in academical research. (2022). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 70(12), 2611-2630. https://doi.org/10.38146/BSZ.2022.12.4


Aim: Despite the fact, that terrorism is undisputable one of the most dangerous, domestic, reginonal, international and human security threat, academical research is struggling with the conceptualization of common accepted definition of terrorism. Several new terrorism defintions have appeared in literature in recent decades. However these definitions could not create the common, generally, by each researcher accepted definition of terrorism and they only defined the new and new forms of phenomenon of terrorism in several cases. Almost each researcher tried to create a new definition, which was affected by the values and subjective aspect of the researcher. The paper’s aim is to introduce the problem of the conceptualization of common accepted terrorism’s definition in domestic and international academical research from a new aspect, integrated the definitions in the Buzan’s five sectors of security study The social sector, which includes the social sciences is stressed.
Methodology: This paper examines the international and domectic terrorism definitions in order to introduce the main obstacles of the couceptualization of common accepted terrorism definition and answer the questions how, in what form, in which framework and besides which obstacles could be defined terrorism. The methodology is from a new aspect presented, becaiuse the definition of terrorism is seeked in the sector-theory.
Findings: In the sectors there is no common accepted definition of terrorism.
Value: The paper’s suggestions shows new approaches at the conceptualization of terrorism’s defintions, which could be the sample for the new and widely accepted criminal law defintion of terrorism as well and these could be used in the criminal law.

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