Dialogue on the past, present and role of the Security Market Conference in the law enforcement market
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personal protection
asset protection
private investigator
Security Market Conference

How to Cite

Dialogue on the past, present and role of the Security Market Conference in the law enforcement market: Interview with Dr. György Fialka, President of the Chamber of Personal, Property and Private Investigators. (2023). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 71(6), 1095-1101. https://doi.org/10.38146/BSZ.2023.6.10


Dr György Fialka began his career half a century ago in the field of state security, where he also held senior positions. From 1987 he was also active in higher law enforcement education, and in 2018 he was appointed an honorary associate professor. Since 1995, he has held key management positions in the private security sector, including nine years as Director of Security at GE Budapest Bank. Since 2017, he has been President of the Professional Chamber of Personal, Security and Private Investigators, which has given him the opportunity to monitor and comment on legislative and social changes affecting the profession from the highest position. The President was interviewed by Szandra Fazekas-Pátyodi, Editorial Associate, and Dr Csaba Szabó, Deputy Editor-in-Chief.

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