Survey on Safety and Perceptions of Security in Budapest's 'Party District'
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party capital, tourism, security, overtourism

How to Cite

Survey on Safety and Perceptions of Security in Budapest’s ’Party District’. (2025). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 73(1), 23-44.


Aim: In the last decade, a relatively new form of tourism has emerged in Central European countries, which has led to a significant transformation in Hungarian tourism. This is the so-called ‘party tourism’, partly because Central European capitals can offer a level of service comparable to that of Western Europe. Prices are much lower, public safety is good, and low-cost airlines offer daily flights. This study focuses on the area from the perspective of tourism security and law enforcement. Two hundred questionnaires were filled out, and tourism security and law enforcement perspectives and residents were interviewed. The primary objective of the research was to analyse the crime statistics and the questionnaires to formulate recommendations to make the city centre of Budapest more liveable for the residents while maintaining the current tourist arrivals.

Methodology: It is a huge responsibility to compile the questions of a questionnaire for the general public, as often, the questionnaire compiler unintentionally edits the questions to build up their working hypothesis. To avoid this common mistake, the authors have carefully studied the international literature and have drawn on this experience to design the questionnaires. The population of the inner city was interviewed. The sample for the population questionnaire was provided by the population aged 18 and over living in the Budapest area. The sample was drawn from different inner city districts on a population-proportional basis (districts V, VI, and VII). The sample size was 200 persons.

Findings: Party tourism is not a uniform disturbance across the districts studied; it is most pronounced among residents of District VII. Slightly more than half of the survey respondents reported being bothered by party tourism. The questionnaire editors assumed that more respondents would indicate they were disturbed by daily or weekly tourism. In contrast, nearly two-thirds of respondents felt they were only bothered by such disturbances monthly. Surprisingly, it was not the oldest age group most affected by these disturbances. Additionally, despite considerable media coverage of problems caused by Airbnb apartments, most residents in the surveyed districts are not directly affected. Only fifteen percent reported having regular issues with a nearby Airbnb apartment.

Value: The main aim of writing this study was to make the research results useful in practice. It should also provide helpful advice for law enforcement and municipal professionals, as well as those working in the tourism sector, municipal professionals, and others. With this in mind, the authors have made a number of specific suggestions in connection with the questionnaire survey.

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