Fan disorder in stadiums, in particular the use of pyrotechnic devices
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sports policing, safety issues, pyrotechnic devices, disorderly conduct

How to Cite

Fan disorder in stadiums, in particular the use of pyrotechnic devices. (2025). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 73(1), 127-142.


Aim: The study examines the provision of spectator team sports, with particular reference to football matches. Unfortunately, the use of pyrotechnic devices is popular among fans attending spectator team sports matches all over the world, but the use of pyrotechnic devices poses extreme safety risks. Therefore, the authors undertook to collect the regulatory norms and proposals for preventive measures that have become necessary to reduce the phenomenon over the years.

Methodology: The study collects the past aspects together with the defining events of the present. As a research method, the authors primarily use the processing of sports law and sports police literature and professional experience gained in connection with the use of pyrotechnic devices.

Findings: As a result of the research, the authors make findings on the application of innovative legal, technical, technological and law enforcement tools and methods that can help football sports events be conducted even safer.

Value: There has not yet been a summary study on the topic that presents the past, present and future of the use of pyrotechnic devices in one study. The summary shows a current action that will have a major impact on security issues.

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