The Chinese solution in the education of law enforcement officers
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education of law enforcement officers
higher education

How to Cite

The Chinese solution in the education of law enforcement officers. (2020). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 68(3), 73-87.


One of the most famous Hungarian geographers of the pervious century, Mr. Jenő Cholnoky (1870-1950) began the preface of his book titled From the Country of Dragons, presenting the results of his journey to China, as follows: „For the intelligent Hungarian public and not for scientists I wrote this book. I consider as my duty to publish my travel adventures, experiences and discoveries in a form that can be understood by everybody.” The writers of this study naturally do not want to compare themselves to this famous scientist and they have not made a book, just a journey report with scientific pretention, but they similarly consider as their duty to make experiences of their study journey public, so that people interested for this topic - and especially workers of the higher education - can gain useful knowledges in the widest possible circle.

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