Gabriella Somssich
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How to Cite

Gabriella Somssich . (2020). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 68(4), 117-121.


The column Portrait appears first time in our periodical Belügyi Szemle.

Here you can usually read portrait-typed articles about prominent experts of professionals and scholars of interior affairs and law enforcement. We do not intend to make bibliographic portraits but a kind of professional portrait about professional achievements, professional success of the presented person. We try to show the affection of the person to his/her profession in our articles and first of all to answer the questions what they have  offered and received for/from their profession, what kind of motivations helped them to be successful. In these portraits we consider the personal aspect as the most important element, but we intend to show it under emphasis of the professional side. In our April issue you can read a portrait about the first woman appointed to Police director of a county in Hungary, Dr. Gabriella Somssich pol. brigadier general, the leader of the Police Directory of County Nógrád, presented by Zsuzsanna Hornyik.

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