Criminal application of photogrammetry: three-dimensional reconstruction of crime scenes, human corpses and objects
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crime scene investigation
three-dimensional reconstruction
virtual reality

How to Cite

Criminal application of photogrammetry: three-dimensional reconstruction of crime scenes, human corpses and objects. (2020). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 68(11), 57-70.


Photogrammetry – which is a technology that enables the three-dimensional reconstruction of objects based on photographs – is increasingly mentioned in the literature as a feasible alternative to 3D laser scanning. The technique, which does not require any special equipment and can be applied by crime scene investigators, is suitable for the forensic three-dimensional retention of crime scenes, human corpses and certain objects. The 3D models can be used by law enforcement, the court and even by forensic experts to contemplate the reconstructed objects. In the future, this technique could be used for educational purposes, for capturing 3D mugshots, or even for conducting local interrogations or carrying out other investigative actions. With regard to the Hungarian legal framework and the upcoming European legal standards, there are no foreseeable barriers to the practical application of photogrammetric imaging procedures. In order to establish the appropriate methodological guidelines of this technique further researches are required.

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