

political corruption
case studies
leadership factor

How to Cite

Anticorruption : The MIT Essential Knowledge Series. (2021). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 69(4. ksz.), 121-124.


The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series provides the reader with accessible, concise, yet interesting and completely up-to-date information. Each part was written by excellent experts on the subject, in a language understood by non-experts, too. In this way, the current research data and results in the field of each topic can be really used. Nowadays, it is not easy to find in the endless set of information obtainable on the World Wide Web those that essentially provide the fundamental knowledge on a particular topic. The MIT series fill a gap in this. The topic of the present volume of the series is the anticorruption, as a world phenomenon, its current development and situation. And the topicality of the current theme is perhaps duly justified by the following World Bank estimate: “Much of the globe is infected with corruption, sapping as much as 3 percent of annual per capita GDP in large swathes of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Even North America is hardly immune. The World Bank says that $1 trillion or more is lost each year to corruption, globally.” (Rotberg, 2020).



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