Presentation of detention strategies for the coronavirus pandemic in the light of tasks and good practices related to protection and prevention
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detention strategy
good practices

How to Cite

Presentation of detention strategies for the coronavirus pandemic in the light of tasks and good practices related to protection and prevention. (2021). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 69(5. ksz.), 66-91.


The COVID–19 epidemic, that reached Hungary in March, 2020, significantly affected the forms of communication in human relations. This proved to be especially true for the Hungarian Prison Service, and also directly for the prisoners. In accordance with the guidelines of the Hungarian Government and the National Public Health Centre, preventive measures were introduced in prisons gradually, this had an impact both on the duty service of the personnel and on the detainees. The introduced measures limited the possibility of receiving personal visitors temporarily, and as a compensation the system of controlled video calls using telecommunication tools was quickly developed and extended to the entire prison population. The aim of the presentation is to show the change in the forms of contact during the pandemic period, the transfer of the quantitative and qualitative practice of personal contacts to other platforms. For the preparation of the presentation, statistical data of Skype calls, approved detainee mobile phones, and also of visitor receptions before the pandemic period were used. In addition, detention strategies in connection with the pandemic situation, tasks performed for control and prevention, and good practices will be presented. As a result of the presentation, it can be stated that the Hungarian Prison Service continuously ensured the rights of prisoners, especially rights related to contact, even during the pandemic, and good practices were incorporated into the basic operation.

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