Target: The last element of the series of articles dealing with the history of the local officer service examines the period since the regime change. The aim of this article is to investigate how the democratization processes in the period since the change of regime have affected this form of service.
Methodology: We examine the period under discussion primarily in relation to the population and local governments and the tasks of the criminal service as indications. We established our results by comparing the contemporary literature and normative provisions. We also relied on our own observations.
Findings: From our results, it can be concluded that by 1978 the form of service had reached its existing form at the time of writing this article. However, contact with the population and local politicians has been increasingly relegated to the background since the time of the regime change. The same can be said for criminal service tasks and, in general, for the complexity of local police service.
Value: Based on our findings, it seems necessary to reform the form of service otherwise, its existence will become questionable.