Ideas about the Fire Brigade of the future under consideration of anticipated social and technical changes
PDF (Hungarian)


fire brigade
fire safety vehicle
human resources

How to Cite

Ideas about the Fire Brigade of the future under consideration of anticipated social and technical changes. (2020). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 68(8), 85-91.


The article discusses the possibilities for the future development of fire brigades with no claim to completeness. Primarily the possible changes and development opportunities related to the personal and technical conditions of the technical rescue services is being examined. The author considers the changes in the labour market opportunities, changes in personal protection solutions, the development of tools and equipment supporting firefighting and technical rescue, and the changes in motor vehicle technology supporting firefighting activities as the main directions. The main findings of the dissertation are that the basic task of fire brigades will not change, only the range of risk factors will expand, primarily with the development of industrial activity. In the future special attention should be paid to human resource management because firefighting activities cannot exist without human activities in the future either. Significant changes are expected in tools, equipment and vehicles that support the interventions, as well as in the conditions of training for the interventions. The reasons for their development can be derived primarily from technical, industrial and economic changes, but environmental and climate protection considerations also play a role.

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