Maintenance of Order in the Honourable House - Establishment and Role of the Guard of the House of Representatives


public administration
Guard of the House of Representatives
law enforcement
Parliamentary Guard

How to Cite

Maintenance of Order in the Honourable House - Establishment and Role of the Guard of the House of Representatives. (2022). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 70(1. ksz.), 148-160.


The study aims to present the establishment, the development and the role of the Guard of the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives was one of the most important scenes of the political skirmish in the age of dualism. This is well illustrated also by the fact that the contemporary publicists referred to it generally as ‘arena’. The study presents the Guard of the House of Representatives in detail, like in a historical documentary, and takes the reader through the whole spectrum of the period under consideration, from dualism to the present day. The Guard of the House of Representatives had started working in 1913. The first years of its operation were influenced not only by the international events but also by the increasing internal political conflicts. Despite the difficulties, the Guard became one of the most important elements of the contemporary maintenance of order within some years. This is exactly indicated by the fact that its historical traditions were used also by the policing after the turn of the millennium. Besides the main purpose of the study, the authors also aim to introduce the Parliamentary Guard, whose role is to continue the historical traditions of the Guard of the House of Representatives in the current political and administrative environment.



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