Aim: Traumatic life events result in serious psychological dysfunctions in the life of the victims, which can often be fixed for a life-long period, result in a permanent loss of personality. This is especially true for victims of sexual violence. The memory of the abuse, the traumatic life event experienced, is fixed in the victims, and very often they try to overcome the horrors they experienced with inadequate coping mechanisms. At the same time, these events result in serious mental disorders and personality changes in them, for which both the investigative authorities and health professionals must be prepared. The purpose of this study is to review and summarize these psychotraumatic phenomena in order to know more about the victims of sexual violence, which knowledge will come in handy when working with them.
Methodology: Through a review of the literature and a case report, I present the main mental disorders that develop as a result of a traumatic life event.
Findings: Sexual violence is a serious trauma. Not only physical, but also psychological. Accordingly, we must treat traumatized persons carefully, but for this we must be aware of the psychodynamic changes that appear in the daily life of the victims.
Value: There is a lot of talk about the perpetrators of sexual violence, but not enough about the victims. With this study, I am trying to contribute to getting to know the psychological dynamics of the victims, and I am trying to come up with formulations that can be used during the execution of individual investigative actions.
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