„To stay human and help”
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policing history
law enforcement reforms

How to Cite

„To stay human and help”: Interwiew with ret. pol. major general dr. Gyula Sipos. (2021). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 69(6), 1075-1085. https://doi.org/10.38146/BSZ.2021.6.9


The author conducted an interview as a doctoral student of the Doctoral School of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service, with ret. pol. major general dr. Sipos Gyula. The interview recalls the most important stages in the career of a retiring leader. About what it meant to be a police officer in socialism, how he experienced the regime change as a police officer, the Team Consult investigation, the pluralism of the police, what opportunities he had in different positions to deal with problems, how he could combine rule and innovation in his work. The General expresses his opinion about the centralized police, the change of the police and, in connection with his task after his retirement, the communication activities of the police.

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