„Give me the fact and I serve you justice”
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criminal procedural law
rhetoric in jurisdiction

How to Cite

„Give me the fact and I serve you justice”: Interview with the 80 years old Prof. Flórián Tremmel. (2021). Academic Journal of Internal Affairs, 69(10), 1801-1809. https://doi.org/10.38146/BSZ.2021.10.9


Professor Dr. Flórián Tremmel, an acknowledged Hungarian scholar of criminal law, paints and writes maqamat in his leisure time. The above-mentioned rhymed prose excellently expresses Flórián Tremmels vocation, even affection for education and science. His adherents call him simple Master. Csaba Fenyvesi, who envisions himself as a follower of professor Tremmel, considers the quartet of knowledge, affection, humour and order as the Master’s Ars Poetica. Professor Fenyvesi means that these four key words ‘…can serve as guidelines in the activity of a law scholar, and so of the celebrated person, in his activity, mental conception, charisma, and what can be formulated - perhaps not exaggerating – also as an Ars Poetica for a law scholar, a school creating real Master.’ Flórián Tremmel was born in Szombathely in 1941. He took his A-levels in the Premonstratensian secondary School „Nagy Lajos” in Szombathely and received his diploma at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pécs with the grade ‘summa cum laude’. After his certification he became first trainee then assistant lecturer and assistant professor at the Faculty of Procedural Law. In 1982, after defence of his dissertation in the topic civil suit, he became candidate. From 1991 he was appointed as leader of the Chair for Criminal Procedural Law. In 1994 he habilitated with his lecture ‘The Legal Remedy System of Criminal Procedural Law’ and he was appointed as university professor in the same year. In 2005 he became leader of the Chair for Criminal Procedural Law and Criminalistics and from 2007 he has worked as professor emeritus. FlóriánTremmel has actively participated both in Hungarian and in international scientific public life. In 2003 he was organizer of the subsection criminal sciences at the anniversary conference ‘Law and lawyers on the edge of the 21st century’, in 2004 he organised the international conference titled ‘Physicians and lawyers in the criminal jurisdiction.’ He created the continuously expanding international legal forum, the Central European Criminal Cooperation in 2003. For his scientific and educational activities, he was priced with Officer Cross of the Merit of the Hungarian Republic in 2005, with Gold Grade of the merit Pro Facultate Iuridico-Politica Universitatis Quinqueecclesiensis in 2006 and with the Golden Professorship price in 2007. He presented more hundred publications, he has been author of numerous books, parts of book and papers. His most important works are: the textbook Hungarian Criminal Procedure, Civil Suit, the textbook and atlas Criminalistics (with co-author Csaba Fenyvesi), Evidence Theory, Rhetoric in the Judiciary, Evidences in the Criminal Procedure, New Hungarian Criminal Procedure (co-authors Csaba Fenyvesi and Csongor Herke), Basic Principles of Criminal Procedure in the Basic Law, The Theory of Criminal Procedural Law (co-authors Csaba Fenyvesi and Csongor Herke), Evidences in Criminal Procedure. Prof. Dr. FlóriánTremmel was interviewed on the occasion of his eightieth birthday by Valér Dános, editor-in-chief of Belügyi Szemle and Csaba Szabó managing editor.

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